Blog Archive 

These blog posts appeared on the old Writelink site on Wix 

Targets are essential to the success of any project, especially writing. Your targets could be in the form of words written; stories or in terms of completing a novel, a writing course, competitions entered, works submitted to publishers, reading about writing etc. Your goals could be any combination of these ideas.

One of the things I find most interesting when writers are interviewed, is to hear about their writing method.

The approach of Christmas with it's warmth and glitz may make you want to start writing Christmas stories. But in publishing terms, you've missed the boat for this year: most magazines commission seasonal work 2-3 months ahead of the season.

If you're struggling to find the time to write, you may think it's not worth finding the time to read, but reading widely is vitally important for any writer.

As a keen writer, I'd love to reach that point where I can earn a living writing. But, research shows that the average writer earns less than the minimum wage, and only 1 in 10 can make a living writing. (See links below for detailed articles). While we may dream of being the next JK Rowling, the reality is very different....

While I love writing, I'm less enthusiastic about editing - frankly, I'd probably rather go to the dentist! The advice is to edit until it hurts.

Last week, I had one of my best writing days in ages, and successfully finished three articles, and a story I'd been working on. I was on a writing high, which sadly didn't last, as I also received two rejections of stories I'd submitted.

Writer's Cats


Writing can be a lonely and isolating business, but my furry babies always keep me company. Terri is the best writing cat. She's a Bengal, and loves to be around me. When I'm in my study writing, she curls up either beside me, or on the blanket next to my couch, and settles in to sleep. If I move to...

Writing has been a real struggle for me in recent weeks - nothing has flowed, from the ideas to the stories I've worked on. I've kept going, reminding myself that 'a writer is someone who writes'.

One of the classic gems of writing advice is to write what you know, and much like the infamous movie gaffes, there are scores of writer's gaffes, made by writers who didn't know their subject.

When creating your characters, the golden rule 'show don't tell' applies as much as with other aspects of writing. It's so much easier to write 'she was a forty something divorcee, but it's much more interesting to lead the reader to that conclusion 'In the bar mirror she saw him appraising her, the calculating look in his eye evaluating his...

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