Is writer's block real?


I am a great fan of the late Sir Terry Pratchett, and enjoyed the recent documentary "Back in Black", although it brought a tear to my eye!

In it, Terry is quoted as saying:

"When you're a journalist, you're taught very quickly that there's no such thing as writer's block, because there will be some unsympathetic bloke screaming in your earhole to get the bloody thing written. "

It made me think a great deal about whether or not writer's block exists. In my own experience a deadline (or an editor baying) are enormous motivators, and all but chase away writer's block. I've always been able to meet a deadline - even if it meant writing all night, and ignoring the muse kicking and screaming that it's not ready to work!

A few months ago, I started working part time, with the idea of using the other part time to write. There are days where I am too tired, lack inspiration, and where writing can be a slog, but I am also learning that if I want to actually make it as a writer, I have to learn to write whether or not I feel like it. I am discovering that if I force myself to sit at the laptop until I've reached my target number of words, it actually works, and I make it, and inevitably after a rough start, I don't want to stop.

I want to be a full time writer, and like with any job, there will be days where you simply don't want to go to work. Some days writing is hard work, and it is hard to know what to write. I tend then to turn to my notebook where I've scribbled random ideas, and to work on one that appeals. Or I continue with editing my novel, or work on the new one I'm writing. I also use music, and free writing exercises if I'm really desperate. Refusing to give in goes a long way.

But oh, the days when it flows, and you are stuck into a piece of writing, and don't want to stop, there is nothing to beat the feeling!

So, is writer's block real? Well, I'm learning that it can be overcome, with a bit of grit and determination. After all, a writer is someone who writes!

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